Board Member

Rusty Perry

Allergic to the Billable Hour

Rusty Perry is the token minority on the lily white, snowy landscape of GWC. Fortunately, he was raised by old WASPs so he’s a non-threatening minority who fails at all Asian stereotypes.

Rusty is theoretically an attorney, and has the gun and the badge to prove it, but is allergic to billable hours. In order to assuage his ADHD, Rusty has rehabbed and flipped residential real estate; started, built, and sold one of the first environmentally sustainable dry-cleaning chains; operates two, small wearable tech companies; bought and operates Quiver Killer, a ski binding mounting system; published sensual haikus; counseled Matt Battey on his dream of becoming a cabaret performer; and anything else that doesn’t involve a desk or a suit. He has been applying his finely-honed eating and drinking skills to lure in clients for accountants and law firms but all of Rusty’s business pursuits are just a means to fund eating, drinking, traveling, and skiing.

Not just by court order, but because they recognize that they would only lose any offspring by the end of the first post-birth happy hour, he and his wife, Deborah “The Badger” Perry, live with two middle-aged dogs and host many dinners for wayward bon vivants. When not serving as the color in GWC’s team photos Rusty and Badger can be found wandering the backcountry and hiding from people.